
Your friend tomato was killed by an evil cactus shaman, you manage to avenge his death but the cactus manages cast a last curse before his death - your gun is now becoming crazy every second and you need deafened yourself against an endless swarm of cactuses.


-WASD/Arrow keys to move

-Mouse to use buttons aim and shoot (tap)


You are in an arena and cactuses spawn more and more frequently.

They'll damage you on contact and once your health bar is empty you are sent to the menu. 

You can shoot cactuses to kill them (3 for the small and fast and 10 for the big and slow) that will earn you score, try to get the best score. But be careful - your bullets can hurt and will get an upgrade every 5 kills that will help you kill the enemies but it will also help you kill yourself. 

Good luck!


Ænigma the maker of the font.

My friend who made the music.