Made for mash-up game jam 2021, the theme was unconventional means, the game feats the theme because - 1. you throw not shoot 2. you move by a magnet pulling you.

A game about a robot stuck in an infinite loop of fighting enemies using a magnet, sadly you can't move):

Aim using your mouse, hold the left mouse button to charge and release to throw the longer you charge the further the magnet will reach. While the magnet is in mid air he will hurt enemies, once he lands you will be pulled towards it and won't get hurt (if you move enough, to avoid spamming)(touching enemies will hurt you any time else). then you'll pickup the magnet automatically and repeat. 

The enemies will spawn in waves, in each wave more, like so:

1. 1 normal enemy

2. 2 random enemies

. . .

5. 1 boss

6. 2 normal enemies

7. 4 random enemies

. . .

10. 2 bosses

11. 3 normal enemies

. . .

Each wave is worth a point. get the highest score possible!

Credit to my friend who made the music (the same guy who made the music for my game for the gmtk jam)