This game was initially  made for the VimJam 2 under 10 days with the theme "On The Edge" and the requirement of "Boss", this is a post-jam version of it. 


A once great empire has fallen and your job is to protect its last city.

Gameplay && Controls (normal):

Move with WASD and the arrow keys, summon soldiers with the left mouse button as long the screen isn't red-ish and the purple bar above your hp bar isn't visible which will happen when you have too many units. At the same time enemies spawn and target you/the city and your soldiers will target them/you. The enemies will spawn more and more frequently. Protect the middle and survive as long as you can. Press P to pause/unpause.

Gameplay && Controls (sandbox):

Same as normal just with this features:

+ enemy unit's don't spawn automatically

+ spawnable enemy units with right click

+  no base 

+ no unit limit 

+ stronger player units

+ no counter



Jam Version -

Thanks Alphabet & Type for the font.